We desire to make a difference in our world. A desire placed in our hearts by the One who saves us, Jesus Christ. Time and life is precious, and we must choose to live our purpose every moment. It is important we control our minds and keep the joy of the Lord in our soul?
The Mind, a Hindrance or a Force?
Many often wonder what is their purpose. How do I find my purpose. Our purpose is to do what Jesus did while He lived on earth; the will of the Father. Sounds simple? Yes, if we can get our minds and thoughts out of the way. Our minds are powerful and can ignite our purpose or become a hindrance. I cannot help wondering why would Jesus allow the crown of thorns to be placed on His head and then beaten into His skull. Did Jesus have insights into the struggles we would have in with our minds? Yes, He did.
On that day, as the crown of thorns were beaten deeper and deeper into Jesus’s skull, His Blood was shed for the healing of our minds, from mental and emotional torment. Jesus ensured we would be able to demolish strongholds and have the power to pull down imaginations, and arguments or lies attempting to steal our purpose. Disobedient thoughts in our minds were captivated and brought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). Jesus made a way.
The Crown of Thorns
Vain imaginations are a spirit of oppression aimed at:
- Destabilizing our minds
- Silencing and putting us in a corner
- Limiting and hindering our God-given potentials by creating havoc on our minds
- Blocking the anointing of God in our lives and confusing our minds to steal our destiny.
Vain imaginations are poison to our souls and may be a result of our thoughts influenced by what we allow to enter through our eyes and ears.
Growing up as a teenager, I allowed the vain imagination of one person to find an empty space in my mind. The words “you would never have children because you love other people’s children too much” was spoken to me. I began cooperating with this lofty opinion and sophisticated arguments.
You would never have children because you love other people’s children too much.
Indeed a lie from the pit of hell, but one I embraced and made it a confession for several years until it became a reality. Rest assured, the truth is our minds were redeemed by the Blood of Jesus and we must refuse and deny the enemy access to setup playing fields in our minds.
God used His imagination positively to create the world, and made us in His image. Faith in Jesus, gives us access tot he power of the Holy Spirit to use our minds for creative purposes, and do the will of the Father. This is our purpose and reason for living.
Pull down vain imaginations
Anything spoken, suggested, whispered, or thought about you contrary to the Word that are lofty opinions, lies, and sophisticated arguments, cast them down! Refuse to give the enemy real estate in your mind, he’s already defeated. Our purpose is to know Jesus and share Jesus. We are called to make a difference by letting the world know about the good news of Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15). Jesus shed His blood when He wore the crown of thorns to heal your mind. You were bought with the precious blood of Jesus, begin to pull down vain imaginations in the name of Jesus.
Declare: I have the mind of Christ.